Message from the ED
Hello Alumni and Friends,
Our Class of 2024 has just joined the ranks of our alumni! As we look forward to the class of 2024, we continue to evolve. We have a blended mix of in-person and synchronous-on-line meetings. Now we are starting to add elements of future thinking and AI, while keeping our over-arching themes of Climate/environment, Equity/access/inclusion.
We shifted to Community Leadership model, focused on collaboration, cooperation, adaptability. This focus will serve our fully districted city, and the more recently districted school Boards of Trustees. Districting tends to shift the focus microscopically to the more local community as well telescopically to the larger city and region. New challenges for many.
Since this is a Presidential Election year there will be a slightly expanded focus on political processes. This will include civil discourse, listening, and working with differences. We will also be sharing some of the classes with folks from other cities—our big problems are regional, not just municipal.
Alumni, watch out! Despite setbacks, we hope to have a couple of events this year for fun, networking, and quite possibly, learning. Imagine that!
As has been said before, we have a wonderful community with a lot to offer each other and our region. Join us!

Executive Director
Tara Martin-Milius
Phone: (408) 475-7078